Job Management

Back Charge Basics

Back Charge allows the builder to back charge a supplier for defects that are the responsibility of the supplier. In BuildPro, back charges can be added as part of an EPO or as a stand-alone back charge. A back charge is not inserted as a task BuildPro, and it does not impact the schedule. If there is an associated EPO, the EPO will function as it does today.


Modules and Roles

To use the back charge functionality, the user needs to have:



Create Back Charge

Users can create a back charge in one of three ways:



Edit or Delete Back Charge

Users can edit or delete a back charge on three different pages:



Back Charge/Approval Status

Each back charge has a Back Charge (BC) Status and a Back Charge (BC) Approval Status as it goes through each step of the back charge process. This list describes the back charge’s BC Status/BC Approval Status:


Back Charge Notification Delay

There is a time delay on the transmission of the Final Back Charge Notification for stand-alone back charges and back charges associated to an EPO.

For example, when the user adds a stand-alone back charge that does not need approval, a Pending Back Charge Notification is sent to the supplier. The BC Status remains as Pending, and the user can edit the back charge until the time delay expires. Editing the back charge resets the clock on the time delay. After the set time delay expires, the BC Status changes to Complete, and the Final Back Charge Notification is sent to the supplier.

The time delay options are 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours. The time delay is set in Hyphen Prep, which only Hyphen personnel can access. Please contact Hyphen Customer Care for assistance.




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