Job Management |
Alerts |
Click the Manage Alerts Navigation Button at the top any BuildPro page.
Click the Alerts link on the Left Nav Bar.
Click the Alerts link in the Current Activity section of the Home page.
The Alerts page has an Alerts Overview section at the top, which displays the list of alert types and the count of each alert type. Click an Alert Type link to view the list of alerts that fall into that category. For example, click the Failed Notification link to view the list of all Failed Notification alerts. The Alerts Overview section will automatically hide once you click an Alert Type to give you more room on the page to manage alerts. Click the Show Counts link to show the Alerts Overview section again.
If you change the Max Rows filter, click the Refresh button to re-generate the page. If you see this message under the Refresh button, Increase Max Rows to See Additional Tasks, increase your Max Rows. The default setting is 25. To Change this setting, go to the Your Profile page.
If your company has the JIO/CO Process module turned on, you will see 11 additional Alert Types. Click the links below to view a description of each. For more information regarding JIOs see the JIO Overview page.
On any alert page, click the Job Name link to open the Job Actions page. Click the Task link to open the Task Detail page (Summary tab) if the task is in Scheduled status; or to the Order Detail page (Summary tab) if the task is In Progress. |
If BuildPro sends an order to SupplyPro and SupplyPro accepts it with a different start date, an alert is created in BuildPro. The Alert is cleared when the BuildPro user accepts the re-schedule from the Order Detail page or when the order is completed.
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Task - Name of the task
where the notification failed. Click the column header to sort by task
Supplier - Supplier assigned to the task. Click the column header to sort by supplier name.
Note From Supplier - Note associated to the reschedule from the supplier. In this case the note should not generate an Unread Note from Supplier alert.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
Keep BuildPro Date - Original Schedule Date from BuildPro.
Keep Supplier Reschedule Date - Date on which the supplier would like to reschedule the task.
New Reschedule Date - Allows the BuildPro user to suggest an entirely new date. This will reschedule the original BuildPro date to the new date that is input. Supplier will get a reschedule notice and the original reschedule from supplier will be cleared. This date field contains a date picker (calendar) so the user can select a date.
Send Note With Response - Text area to allow the user to input a note to send with the alert response. (Keep Original Date or Accept Supplier Date must be checked; user cannot input note and send without choosing one date/action).
Update - When this button is clicked, the BuildPro schedule will be updated with the date the BuildPro user chose (Builder date, Supplier date, or New Reschedule Date). A notification will be sent to the supplier with the Builder’s chosen date. If the user entered a note, the note will be included in the supplier notification.
This alerts page requires that a default schedule change reason be set on the Schedule Change Reason List page of the Manager tab. Please go to the Schedule Change Reason List page to learn how to set this default. |
Upon accepting the order from BuildPro, the SupplyPro user can input notes. These notes are sent back to BuildPro as an alert. The alerts are cleared in BuildPro when you click Mark Notes as Read button or complete the order.
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Task - Name of the task
where the notification failed. Click the column header to sort by task
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
Note - Note from the supplier.
Supplier - Supplier assigned to the task. Click the column header to sort by supplier name.
Mark Note Read - This check box allows the user to mark the note as read and clear the alert. Click the check box in the column header to "check all” or "un-check all."
Send Note to Supplier - Enter text here to send a note to the supplier. When a user clicks into the Send Note to Supplier text area, set the Mark Note Read check box to "checked." If the user then clears out the note to the supplier, "uncheck" the check box.
Mark Read / Send Notes - This button will mark the selected notes read (clear the alert) and send note to supplier if a note is entered.
This alert occurs when an order is submitted to the vendor and the fax or email fails (e-destination). The alert is triggered by a batch job that runs hourly to look for faxes and emails that were undeliverable. To clear the alert, re-transmit the order or complete the order. A complete list of failed notifications can be found in the Failed Fax Report under the Reports tab.
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Task - Name of the task
where the notification failed. Click the column header to sort by task
Supplier\Fax or Email - Supplier assigned to the task. Click the column header to sort by supplier name. Fax or Email is the e-destination that failed. The user can edit this field and then re-transmit.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
Error Message - Error message from the failed notification.
Re-send & Clear Alert - This check box allows the user to re-send the order notification and clear the alert. Click the check box in the column header to "check all" or "un-check all."
Clear Alert Only - This check box allows the user to clear the alert but not re-send the notification. Click the check box in the column header to "check all” or "un-check all."
Re-Send / Clear Alert - clicking this button will re-transmit all failed notifications that are "checked" and clear all alerts that are "checked" (re-sending will clear the alert). If the user checks both, re-send the failed notification which in turn clears the alert. If the user checks neither, do nothing.
If the order is completed in SupplyPro and not completed in BuildPro, an alert is created in BuildPro. The alert is triggered from SupplyPro when the order is marked as "shipped." If the order is already "received complete" by the CM, no alert is generated. The alert is cleared when the order is marked complete in BuildPro.
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Task - Name of the task
where the notification failed. Click the column header to sort by task
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
Supplier - Supplier assigned to the task. Click the column header to sort by supplier name.
Clear Alert - This check box allows the user to clear the alert. Click the check box in the column header to "check all" or "un-check all."
Clear Alerts - This button clears the selected alerts.
If an EPO is declined in BuildPro, the construction manager is sent an alert. To clear the alert, click the Edit/Resubmit link. You can edit and resubmit the EPO or skip the task.
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Task - Name of the task
where the notification failed. Click the column header to sort by task
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
Supplier - Supplier assigned to the task. Click the column header to sort by supplier name.
Edit/Resubmit - Click this link to open the Edit/Resubmit EPO pop-up window, where the user can edit and resubmit the declined EPO. When the user clicks the Resubmit for Approval button, the declined EPO will be updated along with the alert page. This will remove the alert from the page and allow the user to continue with the next declined EPO.
EPO Edit/Resubmit pop-up window
Skip Task - Allows users with the "Jobs - Job Task Skip" role to skip the task. If a user has this role, they will see the Skip Task button. If the user does not have the role, they will not see the button.
Cancel - This button will close the pop-up window without saving changes.
Re-Submit for Approval - This button will update and resubmit the EPO for approval (closing the pop up). The EPO alert page will refresh and allow the user to view the next declined EPO.
If an MPO is declined, the construction manager is sent an alert. To clear the alert, click the Edit/Resubmit link. You can enter the quantity received and resubmit the MPO for approval.
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Task - Name of the task where the notification failed. Click the column header to sort by task name.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
Supplier - Supplier assigned to the task. Click the column header to sort by supplier name.
Edit/Resubmit - Click this link to open the Edit/Resubmit MPO pop-up window, where the user can edit and resubmit the declined MPO. When the user clicks the Resubmit for Approval button, the declined MPO will be updated along with the alert page. This will remove the alert from the page and allow the user to continue with the next declined MPO.
MPO Edit/Resubmit pop-up window
Cancel - This button will close the pop up window and not check the Edit/Resubmit check box on the Declined MPOs page.
Resubmit for Approval - This button will update and resubmit the MPO (closing the pop up). The alerts page will be refreshed and allow the user to process the next declined MPO.
If the ”Receive Completed MPO Quantities Module" is on, the 'Rcv Now' column will be labeled 'Change Rcv Qty To:' and will allow the user to input the new quantity. |
When changes are made to line items on an order, an alert is created. Integration creates the alert when the back office sends an add, change, or delete on an in-progress task. To clear the alert, click the check box to approve the order and send notification or approve the order and not send notification to the supplier.
This page is based on the ”Change Completed Orders Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage. |
Status - Icon that shows the order is Complete, Canceled, or contains a Line Item Change.
Job Name - Name of the job that contains the change order task. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Order # - Order number of the task that contains line item changes. Click on the Order# link to open the Order Detail page Items tab. Click the column header to sort by order number.
Supplier - Name of the supplier. Click the column header to sort by supplier.
Task - Name of the task that contains the line item changes. Click the column header to sort by task name.
Approve and Send Notification - This check box allows the user to approve the change order and send a notification to the supplier.
Approve and Do Not Send Notification - This check box allows the user to approve the change order without sending a notification to the supplier.
This alert occurs when a change is made on an in-progress task. This is to let the construction manager know that the back office has made a change. To clear this alert, click the Clear Alert check box next to the Task.
This page is based on the ”In Progress PO Change Alerts Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage. |
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Task - Name of the task
where the notification failed. Click the column header to sort by task
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
View Printable - Open a separate window that displays the "View Printable" version of the PO. Same link as the View Printable on the Order Detail page.
View Item Changes - Opens a pop-up window that displays the Item Changes (same link as on the Order Detail page Items Tab) showing the pluses and minuses.
Clear Alert - This check box allows the user to clear the alert. Click the check box in the column header to "check all” or "un-check all."
Clear Selected Alerts - This button will update the page and clear the selected alerts.
View Item Changes pop-up window (also accessible from the Order Detail page – Items tab)
SKU - Order type
Description - Line items
Qty Ordered - Number of items ordered (can be plus or minus)
Date Created - Date the line item was created
Change Type - Add or Delete line item from the order
Amount - Dollar amount of the added or deleted line item
If a back charge is declined, the construction manager is sent an alert. To clear the alert, click the Edit link in the Edit/Resubmit column. The Back Charge pop-up window opens. Edit the supplier, amount, or description. Click the Update Back Charge button to resubmit the back charge. Or, click the Close Window button to close the pop-up window without clearing the alert. Click the Delete Back Charge to cancel the back charge.
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Back Charge Desc - Description of the back charge. Click the column header to sort by task name.
BC Amount - The amount the back charge is charging the supplier.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
Supplier - Supplier being back charged. Click the column header to sort by supplier name.
Edit/Resubmit - Click this link to open the Back Charge pop-up window. Edit the back charge as necessary and enter Back Charge Notes. Click on the Update Back Charge button to resubmit the declined back charge and clear the alert.
Back Charge pop-up window
Delete Back Charge - This button will cancel the back charge and clear the alert.
Update Back Charge - This button will resubmit the back charge for approval and clear the alert.
This alert is generated when a new job document is attached to the job. Click the View link to view the document. To clear the alert, click Clear Alert check box next to the Task.
This page is based on the ”Inspections Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage. |
Job Name - Name of the job. Click the column header to sort by job name.
Task - Name of the task
where the notification failed. Click the column header to sort by task
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created. Click the column header to sort by the alert date. This is the default sort.
Note - Displays any notes added to the attachment (document).
View Document - Click the link to view the document/attachment.
Clear Alert - This check box allows the user to clear the alert. Click the check box in the column header to "check all” or "un-check all."
Clear Selected Alerts - This button will update the page and clear the selected alerts.
This alert is generated when a defect has been repaired. Click the View link to view repair details. To clear the alert, click Clear Alert check box next to the Task.
This page is based on the ”Inspections Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage. |
Clear Alert - Check box to select to clear the alert.
Location/ Category/ SubCategory/Description - Defect details
Priority - Critical, Structural or Standard
Assigned Trade - Displays information about the Trade who owns the repair
Status - Complete,
Inspected Date - Date the Inspection was initiated
Due Date - Date the Inspection was/is Due
Days Late - Numeric indicator of how many days the defect is behind schedule for being completed
Completed Date - Actual repair completion date
Update Defect - This button will update the page and clear the selected alerts.
When a new JIO (Job Initiation Order) is received in BuildPro, it must be approved or rejected. Only the user assigned as the JIO Primary may approve or reject the JIO. Other users assigned may only view the alert. For more information on JIO Assignment, see the JIO/CO Construction Manager Assignments page.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO.
Details - Click this hyperlink to display the JIO formatter and see details of the JIO.
Approve - Click this check box (and click the Update button) to approve the JIO.
Reject - Click this check box (and choose a Rejection Reason Code and click the Update button) to reject the JIO.
Rejection Reason Code - You must choose a Rejection Reason Code when Rejecting a JIO.
Rejection Notes - You may optionally enter notes when rejecting a JIO.
When a change is made to a JIO in the ERP system a Change Order is sent to BuildPro. COs must also be approved or rejected by the JIO Primary user. Type 1 COs include changes to the Plan, Elevation, Options, or Pricing.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO/CO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO/CO.
Details - Click this hyperlink to display the JIO formatter and see details of the CO.
Approve - Click this check box (and click the Update button) to approve the CO.
Reject - Click this check box (and choose a Rejection Reason Code and click the Update button) to reject the CO.
Rejection Reason Code - You must choose a Rejection Reason Code when Rejecting a CO.
Rejection Notes - You may optionally enter notes when rejecting a CO.
This alert type will display JIO approvals from the Sales or Executive level. These approvals originate from the ERP system and are sent to BuildPro to inform users. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO.
Level - Either Sales or Executive. This is the level that has approved the JIO.
User - Name of the user from the level that approved the JIO.
Details - Click this hyperlink to display the JIO formatter and see details of the JIO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert.
This alert type will display JIO rejections from the Sales or Executive level. These rejections originate from the ERP system and are sent to BuildPro to inform users. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO.
Level - Either Sales or Executive. This is the level that has rejected the JIO.
User - Name of the user from the level that rejected the JIO.
Rejection Code - Code (reason) selected when the JIO was rejected.
Details - Click this hyperlink to display the JIO formatter and see details of the JIO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert.
This alert type will display CO approvals from the Sales or Executive level. These approvals originate from the ERP system and are sent to BuildPro to inform users. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO/CO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO/CO.
CO Type - Type 1, 2, or 3 (1 = Home, 2 = Buyer, 3 = Finance).
Level - Either Sales or Executive. This is the level that has approved the CO.
User - Name of the user from the level that approved the CO.
Details - Click this hyperlink to display the JIO formatter and see details of the CO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert.
This alert type will display CO rejections from the Sales or Executive level. These rejections originate from the ERP system and are sent to BuildPro to inform users. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO/CO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO/CO.
Level - Either Sales or Executive. This is the level that has rejected the CO.
User - Name of the user from the level that rejected the CO.
Rejection Code - Code (reason) selected when the CO was rejected.
Details - Click this hyperlink to display the JIO formatter and see details of the CO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert.
For various reasons, their may be a decision not to build a home. In this case, a Void will be sent to BuildPro. This alert informs the user the home will not be built at this particular time. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO.
Details - Click this hyperlink to display the JIO formatter and see details of the JIO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert.
For various reasons a CO may be retracted. This results in a Void CO alert. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO/CO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO/CO.
Details - Click this hyperlink to display the JIO formatter and see details of the CO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert.
If the home buyer notifies Sales they would like to cancel the purchase, the ERP system will send a Pending Buyer Cancel message to BuildPro. This is to inform the Construction Manager (or other users) of the potential cancellation. This is not an actual cancel; only a warning. If the contract is cancelled, a Buyer Cancel alert will be generated. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert.
If the Buyer Cancel is rejected, a Buyer Cancel Rejected alert will be created. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert.
If the Buyer Cancel is approved, a Buyer Cancel alert will be created. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.
Date of Alert - Date the alert was created.
Community - Name of the community for which the JIO belongs.
Lot - Lot Number (from the ERP system) assigned to the JIO.
Clear Alert - Check this check box and click the Update button to clear the alert
This alert is generated when a Corrective Action has been repaired. Click the View link to view repair details. To clear the alert, click Clear Alert check box next to the Task.
This page is based on the ”Inspections Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage. |
Clear Alert - Check box to select to clear the alert.
Location/ Category/ SubCategory/Description - Defect details
Priority - Critical or Standard
Assigned Trade - Displays information about the Trade who owns the Corrective Action
Status - Complete,
Inspected Date - Date the Inspection was initiated
Due Date - Date the Inspection was/is Due
Days Late - Numeric indicator of how many days the defect is behind schedule for being completed
Completed Date - Actual repair completion date
Update Corrective Action - This button will update the page and clear the selected alerts.