Job Management


Access the Alerts Page Three Ways:

The Alerts page has an Alerts Overview section at the top, which displays the list of alert types and the count of each alert type. Click an Alert Type link to view the list of alerts that fall into that category. For example, click the Failed Notification link to view the list of all Failed Notification alerts. The Alerts Overview section will automatically hide once you click an Alert Type to give you more room on the page to manage alerts. Click the Show Counts link to show the Alerts Overview section again.

If you change the Max Rows filter, click the Refresh button to re-generate the page. If you see this message under the Refresh button, Increase Max Rows to See Additional Tasks, increase your Max Rows. The default setting is 25. To Change this setting, go to the Your Profile page.

Alert Types:

Alert Types (JIO/CO):

If your company has the JIO/CO Process module turned on, you will see 11 additional Alert Types. Click the links below to view a description of each. For more information regarding JIOs see the JIO Overview page.

  1. New JIO

  2. Type 1 CO

  3. JIO Approval

  4. JIO Rejection

  5. CO Approval

  6. CO Rejection

  7. Void JIO

  8. Void CO

  9. Pending Buyer Cancel

  10. Buyer Cancel Rejected

  11. Buyer Cancel


On any alert page, click the Job Name link to open the Job Actions page. Click the Task link to open the Task Detail page (Summary tab) if the task is in Scheduled status; or to the Order Detail page (Summary tab) if the task is In Progress.


Reschedule by Supplier

If BuildPro sends an order to SupplyPro and SupplyPro accepts it with a different start date, an alert is created in BuildPro. The Alert is cleared when the BuildPro user accepts the re-schedule from the Order Detail page or when the order is completed.



This alerts page requires that a default schedule change reason be set on the Schedule Change Reason List page of the Manager tab. Please go to the Schedule Change Reason List page to learn how to set this default.


Unread Note from Supplier

Upon accepting the order from BuildPro, the SupplyPro user can input notes. These notes are sent back to BuildPro as an alert. The alerts are cleared in BuildPro when you click Mark Notes as Read button or complete the order.




Failed Notification

This alert occurs when an order is submitted to the vendor and the fax or email fails (e-destination). The alert is triggered by a batch job that runs hourly to look for faxes and emails that were undeliverable. To clear the alert, re-transmit the order or complete the order. A complete list of failed notifications can be found in the Failed Fax Report under the Reports tab.




Order Completed by Supplier

If the order is completed in SupplyPro and not completed in BuildPro, an alert is created in BuildPro. The alert is triggered from SupplyPro when the order is marked as "shipped." If the order is already "received complete" by the CM, no alert is generated. The alert is cleared when the order is marked complete in BuildPro.




EPO Declined

If an EPO is declined in BuildPro, the construction manager is sent an alert. To clear the alert, click the Edit/Resubmit link. You can edit and resubmit the EPO or skip the task.


EPO Edit/Resubmit pop-up window



MPO Declined

If an MPO is declined, the construction manager is sent an alert. To clear the alert, click the Edit/Resubmit link. You can enter the quantity received and resubmit the MPO for approval.


MPO Edit/Resubmit pop-up window


If the ”Receive Completed MPO Quantities Module" is on, the 'Rcv Now' column will be labeled 'Change Rcv Qty To:' and will allow the user to input the new quantity.



Changes to Completed Tasks

When changes are made to line items on an order, an alert is created. Integration creates the alert when the back office sends an add, change, or delete on an in-progress task. To clear the alert, click the check box to approve the order and send notification or approve the order and not send notification to the supplier.

This page is based on the ”Change Completed Orders Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage.



Changes to In Progress Tasks

This alert occurs when a change is made on an in-progress task. This is to let the construction manager know that the back office has made a change. To clear this alert, click the Clear Alert check box next to the Task.

This page is based on the ”In Progress PO Change Alerts Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage.



View Item Changes pop-up window (also accessible from the Order Detail page – Items tab)



Back Charge Declined

If a back charge is declined, the construction manager is sent an alert. To clear the alert, click the Edit link in the Edit/Resubmit column. The Back Charge pop-up window opens. Edit the supplier, amount, or description. Click the Update Back Charge button to resubmit the back charge. Or, click the Close Window button to close the pop-up window without clearing the alert. Click the Delete Back Charge to cancel the back charge.


Back Charge pop-up window




Defect Requiring Picture

This alert is generated when a new job document is attached to the job. Click the View link to view the document. To clear the alert, click Clear Alert check box next to the Task.

This page is based on the ”Inspections Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage.




Repaired Defects

This alert is generated when a defect has been repaired. Click the View link to view repair details. To clear the alert, click Clear Alert check box next to the Task.

This page is based on the ”Inspections Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage.





When a new JIO (Job Initiation Order) is received in BuildPro, it must be approved or rejected. Only the user assigned as the JIO Primary may approve or reject the JIO. Other users assigned may only view the alert. For more information on JIO Assignment, see the JIO/CO Construction Manager Assignments page.



Type 1 CO

When a change is made to a JIO in the ERP system a Change Order is sent to BuildPro. COs must also be approved or rejected by the JIO Primary user. Type 1 COs include changes to the Plan, Elevation, Options, or Pricing.



JIO Approval

This alert type will display JIO approvals from the Sales or Executive level. These approvals originate from the ERP system and are sent to BuildPro to inform users. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



JIO Rejection

This alert type will display JIO rejections from the Sales or Executive level. These rejections originate from the ERP system and are sent to BuildPro to inform users. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



CO Approval

This alert type will display CO approvals from the Sales or Executive level. These approvals originate from the ERP system and are sent to BuildPro to inform users. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



CO Rejection

This alert type will display CO rejections from the Sales or Executive level. These rejections originate from the ERP system and are sent to BuildPro to inform users. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



Void JIO

For various reasons, their may be a decision not to build a home. In this case, a Void will be sent to BuildPro. This alert informs the user the home will not be built at this particular time. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



Void CO

For various reasons a CO may be retracted. This results in a Void CO alert. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



Pending Buyer Cancel

If the home buyer notifies Sales they would like to cancel the purchase, the ERP system will send a Pending Buyer Cancel message to BuildPro. This is to inform the Construction Manager (or other users) of the potential cancellation. This is not an actual cancel; only a warning. If the contract is cancelled, a Buyer Cancel alert will be generated. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



Buyer Cancel Rejected

If the Buyer Cancel is rejected, a Buyer Cancel Rejected alert will be created. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



Buyer Cancel

If the Buyer Cancel is approved, a Buyer Cancel alert will be created. Only the JIO Primary may clear these alerts. Other Users may not clear them.



Repaired Corrective Actions

This alert is generated when a Corrective Action has been repaired. Click the View link to view repair details. To clear the alert, click Clear Alert check box next to the Task.

This page is based on the ”Inspections Module." Companies with the module turned off will not see this link as an alert type to manage.

