Job Management

Job Task - Summary Tab

The Summary tab shows information about the supplier, the type of task, task start date and the last date the status changed. You may also view any options assigned to the task and any checklist items that should be completed with the task. Options include anything from carpet type to appliances. Checklist items could be inspection items that need to be completed before the task is complete.

The Summary tab shows different fields depending on your user role, your company modules, and the status of the task.


Perform the following actions on this page:




To start a task (scheduled tasks only):

  1. In the Request Date field, edit the date you need this item delivered, if necessary.

  2. Click the button next to the appropriate Back Order Policy option.

  3. Enter any relevant notes in the Instructions to Supplier field.

  4. If necessary, click the Schedule Change Reason and Schedule Change Supplier fields and make the appropriate selections.

  5. Click the Submit Order button.


To skip a task (scheduled tasks only):

  1. On a scheduled task, click the Skip Task button. The task status changes to skipped.

  2. To undo the task skip, click the Undo Skip Task button. The task status changes back to scheduled. The Undo Skip Task button is visible until the task is exported to the back-office.


To complete a task (in-progress tasks only):

  1. Click the Mark the Order Received/Complete check box. Or, if this order has exceptions, click Mark Exceptions on this Task/Order.

  2. If task is an EPO and it is not ready to be submitted for approval, click the EPO Not Ready button.

  3. If necessary, click the appropriate option to update the Checklist Items status.

  4. Click the Complete Task button.

  5. If the task is an MPO, the MPO pop-up window opens so you can enter the MPO Quantity. Click the Receive Qtys button. The task status changes to complete.

  6. If the task is an NTE EPO, the NTE EPO pop-up window opens so you can enter the Actual Amount. Click the Update button. The task status changes to complete.

  7. To undo the task completion, click the Undo Complete Task button. The task status changes back to scheduled. The Undo Complete Task button is visible until the task is exported to the back-office.


To edit an EPO (scheduled EPOs that are marked not ready):

  1. Under the Reconciled field, click the Edit EPO link. The EPO Edit - Details and Items page opens.

  2. Edit the EPO Task Detail as necessary.

  3. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save your changes. The page returns to the Job Task page.


To resubmit a declined EPO (scheduled EPOs only):

  1. Under the Reconciled field, click the Edit and Re-Submit for Approval link. The EPO Edit - Details and Items page opens.

  2. Edit the EPO Task Detail as necessary.

  3. Click the Re-submit EPO button to resubmit the EPO for approval.



To add a back charge to an EPO task (all EPO task statuses except cancelled):

  1. Under Job Options, click the Create Back Charge for this EPO link. The Back Charge pop-up window opens.

  2. Click on the Select link in the Supplier(s) to Back Charge column. The link turns into a drop-down list.

  3. Choose a Supplier from the drop-down list.

  4. Enter a % Percentage or $ Dollar Amount. This is the percentage or dollar amount that the selected supplier will be back charged. The back charge amount cannot exceed the EPO amount.

Usually, it’s best to enter a percentage, like 100%, which would charge the supplier for 100% of the EPO amount. This way, if the EPO amount changes, the back charge amount will be automatically updated.

  1. Enter a Back Charge Description and Notes.

  2. Click the Add Back Charge button. The pop-up window closes. A Pending Back Charge Notification is sent to the assigned supplier by fax/email. Also, a Pending Back Charge Alert is generated in SupplyPro.




To edit or delete a back charge on an EPO task (all EPO task statuses except cancelled):

  1. Under Job Options, click on the Edit Back Charge for this EPO link. The Back Charge pop-up window opens.

  2. Edit the Back Charge Information as necessary.

  3. Click the on Update Back Charge button.

  4. Or, to delete the back charge from this EPO, click the Delete Back Charge button.


To transmit an EPO work authorization notice to the supplier (all EPO task statuses except cancelled):

  1. Next to the Supplier field at the top of the page, click on the Transmit WA button. The EPO work authorization is sent to the supplier via fax/email.

This document authorizes the supplier to proceed with the EPO work. The purchase order will be sent to the supplier when the task is started.

  1. Click the Print WA button to open a printable version of the EPO work authorization in a separate window. You can then print the page.

  2. On the Job Task page, click on the Cancel WA to send a cancellation notice to the supplier. This document notifies the supplier that the work authorization has been cancelled. The EPO may still be active, but the supplier is not authorized to begin work yet.

The Cancel WA button appears after you transmit the EPO work authorization.


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