Job Management

Back Charge with No EPO

This page allows the user to create a Back Charge that is not associated with an EPO. The user chooses an Account Code for the Back Charge and enters the Back Charge information, including the Supplier/Trade to be back charged. The user can edit the stand-alone Back Charge from the Pending Back Charges page as long as the Back Charge has not been approved. If a stand along Back Charge is created and does not need approval, the status will automatically be set to Approved.

Learn how to add a back charge to an EPO.




To create a back charge without an EPO:

  1. Choose an Account Code from the Copy Task Acct Code drop-down list. The Back Charge Information box appears on the page. Back Charges may not be created for the Account Code '0-Root'.

  2. Click on the Select link in the Supplier(s) to Back Charge column. The link turns into a drop-down list. This list may show all Suppliers or only active Suppliers if module# 232 Back Charge Suppress Inactive Suppliers is turned on for your company.

  3. Choose a Supplier from the list.

  1. Enter a % Percentage or $ Dollar Amount. This is the percentage or dollar amount that the selected supplier will be back charged. The back charge amount cannot exceed the EPO amount.

Usually, it’s best to enter a percentage, like 100%. This way, if the EPO amount changes, the back charge amount will be automatically updated.

  1. Choose a Back Charge Reason Code from the drop-down list. (Required)

  2. Enter a Back Charge Description and Back Charge Notes. (Optional)

  3. Click the Add Back Charge button. A Pending Back Charge Notification is sent to the assigned supplier by fax/email. Also, a Pending Back Charge Alert is generated in SupplyPro.

On a stand-alone Back Charge, if the Amount is less than the user’s EPO Approval Limit, the back charge is automatically Approved and set to a status of Complete.


To view or edit the back charge, click on the Pending EPOs and BCs link on the Left Nav Bar.


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