Job Management
JIO Overview
A JIO contains information regarding a new home that will be built. A JIO must be approved by 3 levels before construction may begin:
Construction is the first level that must approve. The JIO will be approved by the construction manager in BuildPro. The approval or rejection will be returned to the ERP system via integration. Sales and Executive levels will not use BuildPro to approve or reject JIOs and/or COs. Their approvals/rejections will be sent from the ERP system. If a JIO or CO is rejected, a Rejection Reason Code must be selected.
Any changes to a JIO will result in a CO. This CO will be sent to BuildPro. There are 3 types of COs:
Type 1 – Home Change Order; changes to plan, elevation, options, and price.
Type 2 – Buyer Change Order; changes to buyer details.
Type 3 – Finance Change Order; changes to the loan.
Only the original JIO and Type 1 COs will require an approval from BuildPro CM. JIO approvals from Sales and Executive and Type 2 and Type 3 COs will be sent via integration and stored in BuildPro for the CM to view.
The Construction Admin may receive email notifications containing details of the JIO and/or CO for review of permitting issues. The Construction Admin (CA) will receive an email for the JIO and all types of COs (1, 2, and 3). See the JIO/CO Manage Email Notifications page for more details on how to setup email notifications.
JIOs and COs are created in the ERP system. A JIO for a job will be created after a lot is release for sale in the ERP system. This may be before or after the Lot Start process. After the JIO, Pre-Start, and Lot Start processes, the Commitment Generation process will occur and POs sent to BuildPro. The Community for which a JIO (and COs) will be sent must exist in BuildPro prior to sending the initial JIO. JIOs are assigned to a user via the JIO/CO Construction Manager Assignments page.
Approvals and rejections for all JIOs and/or COs will appear on the Alerts page for the Construction Manager in BuildPro once they are received and processed. An alert page will be created for the CM to review and approve or reject the JIO and/or any Type 1 COs. Approved and rejected JIOs and/or COs will be exported to the ERP system. Rejected JIO and/or COs will require a rejection reason with a rejection reason code. JIOs and COs will utilize the same rejection reasons. Rejection codes may be setup and managed via the JIO/CO Rejection Codes page.
Use the JIO/CO History page to view JIO and/or CO details and their history. This will include a history of approvals and rejections by user and option changes as well as buyer changes and financing changes.