Job Management

Order Detail

The Order Detail page displays information about an order. Order Detail information is displayed under four tabs.

To see instructions for using each tab, click the tab name in the list below:

  • Receive – Use the Receive tab to view order details and to update it as received.

  • Summary – Use the Summary tab to view order information, reschedule orders and manage your orders.

  • Items – Use the Items tab to view all items associated with this order.

  • History – Use the History tab to view all actions performed and notes recorded on this order.


Click the Job Name link to display the Job Actions page. Click the Task link to display the Job Task page.


To print an order:

  1. Click on the View Printable link. A printable version of the purchase order opens in a new window.

  2. Click the Printer icon in the Internet Explorer toolbar.

  3. Choose your printer settings, and click the Print button.


To print a delivery receipt notice:

  1. Click on the View Delivery Receipt Notice link. A printable version opens in a new window.

This link only appears after the task has been completed.

  1. Click the Printer icon in the Internet Explorer toolbar.

  2. Choose your printer settings, and click the Print button.


To update checklist information:

  1. Click the Receive tab.

  2. If a task has a checklist item that needs action, it appears in the middle of the page, click either Passed or Failed.

  3. Click the Receive Order button.


To receive an order:

  1. From the Receive tab, read any notes sent from the supplier and then click the Mark Notes as Read button.

  2. Verify the quantity in the Rcv Now column for the line item you received. Change if necessary.

  3. If checklist items appear, click the appropriate option to show if an item Passed, Failed, or is still Pending.

  4. Verify that the Mark Task Complete box is checked, if this task is now completed. If the order is not complete, remove the checkmark.

  5. Check the Mark Order Exceptions (Hold Payment) box if there are problems with the order and payment is not to be made at this time.

  6. Add any relevant Notes.

  7. Click the Send Notes to Supplier box if the notes you added are to be sent to the supplier.

  8. Click the Receive Order button.

If the task is an NTE EPO, you cannot receive the order from the Order Detail page. You must go to the Job Task page and complete the task.


To reschedule an order:

  1. Click the Summary tab.

  2. If necessary, view the Task Predecessors for this task before deciding if this task needs to be rescheduled.

  3. Complete the New Request Date field.

If available, you can use the date shown in the Possible Reschedule Needed field.

  1. Check the Update Job Schedule box if necessary, and from the drop-down box, select a reason.

  2. Click the Schedule Change Reason field and select the appropriate reason.

  3. Add any notes to the Instructions to Supplier field.

  4. Click the Reschedule Order button.


To send a note to the supplier without changing the order status:

  1. Scroll down to the Send Note to Supplier field.

  2. Type your note to the supplier, then click the Send Note button.


To re-transmit an order:

  1. Click the Summary tab.

  2. Add any relevant notes to the supplier in the Instructions to Supplier field.

  3. Click the Re-transmit Order button.


To re-transmit a completion notification:

  1. Click the Summary tab.

  2. Click the Re-transmit Completion Notification button in the Order Summary section.

This link only appears after the task has been completed.


To cancel an order:

  1. Click the Summary tab.

  2. Add any relevant notes to the supplier in the Cancel Notes field.

  3. Click the Cancel Order button.


To cancel an order and create a replacement task:

  1. Click the Summary tab.

  2. Add any relevant notes to the supplier in the Cancel Notes field.

  3. Click the EPO Reason field and select the appropriate reason.

  4. Click the Cancel Order with New Task button.


To acknowledge an order:

  1. Click the Summary tab.

  2. In the Request Date field, type the date the order was delivered.

  3. View any notes from the supplier in the Notes From Supplier field.

  4. Click the Acknowledge Order button.


If the Trade Partner Survey module is turned on for your company, questions will appear when completing some tasks. These questions must be answered before the task (PO) can be completed. Answer each question by clicking the Yes or No radio button. Enter notes as appropriate.


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