Job Management

EPO - Add BC or Add EPO to Multiple Jobs

When you create an EPO using one of the four methods on the Job Actions page, you have the option of adding a back charge to the EPO or adding the EPO to multiple jobs. Currently an EPO with a back charge cannot be added to multiple jobs.

These are available on all four of the EPO methods:


To add a back charge to the EPO:

  1. Before you click the Create EPO button, click the Add Back Charge To EPO check box under the EPO Items section. The Back Charge Information section appears on the page.

  2. Click the Select link in the Supplier(s) to Back Charge column. The link turns into a drop-down list. This list may show all Suppliers or only active Suppliers if module# 232 Back Charge Suppress Inactive Suppliers is turned on for your company.

  3. Choose a Supplier from the drop-down list.

  4. Enter a % Percentage or $ Dollar Amount. This is the percentage or dollar amount that the selected supplier will be back charged. The back charge amount cannot exceed the EPO amount.

Usually, it’s best to enter a percentage, like 100%. This way, if the EPO amount changes, the back charge amount will be automatically updated.

  1. Enter a Back Charge Description and Back Charge Notes. A back charge attached to an EPO will inherit the same Reason Code as the EPO.

  2. If the EPO is ready to be submitted for approval, click the EPO Ready check box in the bottom left of the page

  3. Click the Create EPO button. The new EPO task is added and the Job Task page appears.




To add this EPO to multiple jobs:

  1. Before you click the Create EPO button, click the Add EPO to Multiple Jobs link under the EPO Items section. The Add EPO to Other Jobs pop-up window opens.

  2. Choose a Job Status from the drop-down list. The list of jobs appears.

This list only includes jobs from the same subdivision and same template.

  1. Click the Select check box next to each job want to which you want copy the EPO.

  2. Or, click the check box at the top of the Select All Jobs column. This automatically checks all boxes. Click the Clear button to clear all of the check boxes.

  3. Click the Add EPO to Jobs button to add the EPO to all selected jobs.

  4. Or, click the Cancel button to close the pop-up window without adding the EPO.


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