An EPO or Extra Purchase Order is a new task that is an order placed
for a specific job. An EPO may be used to order additional materials or
labor or replacement materials if they are stolen from a job site. EPOs
may be setup so they are approved before the order is submitted to the
supplier/trade. A dollar limit may be entered for each user in the User
Detail page. When a user creates an EPO, the dollar amount is compared
to the dollar limit. If the amount of the EPO is more than the limit,
the EPO will require approval. Only users with an EPO Approval Role may
approve EPOs.
Creating an EPO (Extra Purchase Order) via the Wizard is a three-step
process. This process allows you to select a task for which to copy. You
may then add or remove materials or line items. The first step in the
Wizard to select a Job Stage that contains the task you want to copy.
Then choose the task. In the final step you may change the Task Name,
modify the Start Date, add instructions, and choose an EPO Reason Code.
When the EPO is created, an email is sent to the job administrator for
approval and submission.
Step 2 of the EPO Wizard