Job Management
Pending EPOs
This page is different from the non-back charge Pending EPOs page. This view only appears if your company has the Back Charge module turned on and you have the correct role. This page displays a list of pending EPOs and shows whether the EPO has a back charge. Pending EPOs are EPOs that have not been completed. This page also allows you to view pending back charges by clicking the Back Charge View link in the top right of the page.
This page can only be accessed by users who have the Back Charge module and role turned on.
To view pending EPOs:
Select a Division.
Select a Community or leave "All Communities" selected.
Select a Job or leave "All Jobs" selected.
Select a Supplier or leave "All Suppliers" selected.
Modify the Task Status or EPO Type filters if necessary.
Click the Show Tasks button. The list of EPOs appear based on the filter selections.
To view details of an EPO click on the Task Name. This link will open the Job Task page.
If a back charge is associated with the EPO, the back charge description appears in the Back Charge column. Click on the Back Charge link to open the Back Charge pop-up window. Edit the back charge as necessary; and then click the Update Back Charge button to save your changes and close the pop-up window. If you didn't make any changes, click on the red to close the pop-up window.
Click the Delete Back Charge button to delete the back charge. If it is associated with an EPO, the EPO remains unaffected.
Pending EPO Columns
Job Name Row: EPOs are grouped by job. This row displays the job name.
Task Name: Displays the EPO task name. This hyperlink takes you to the Job Task page.
Supplier Name: Displays the name of the supplier assigned to the EPO.
EPO Type: Displays the EPO type (EPO or NTE (Not to Exceed)).
EPO Start Date: Displays the adjusted start date of the EPO task.
EPO Ready: Displays 'Y' if the EPO is marked ready or 'N' if the EPO is marked not ready.
Approved: Displays 'Y' is the EPO is approved or 'N' if the EPO has not yet been approved.
Exported/Reconciled: Displays 'Y' or 'N' depending on if the task has been exported or reconciled.
EPO Notes: Displays any notes entered for the EPO.
Approvals: This column only appears if your company has the Multiple EPO Approval Levels Module (#235) turned on. Clicking the link will display the history of all approvals and rejections for that EPO.
Back Charge: If a Back Charge is associated, displays the back charge description. This hyperlink open the Back Charge pop-up window, and users can update the Back Charge details, if they have the correct role.
Approve EPO: This column only appears if your company has the Multiple EPO Approval Levels Module (#235) turned on. Only approvers from the current approving level may approve/reject the EPO. If the check box is not available, you do not belong to the current level that needs to approve/reject the EPO.
Reject EPO: This column only appears if your company has the Multiple EPO Approval Levels Module (#235) turned on. Only approvers from the current approving level may reject the EPO. If the check box is not available, you do not belong to the current level that needs to approve/reject the EPO. If you reject an EPO a Rejection Reason Code popup will appear. You must select a Rejection Code when rejecting an EPO.
You may not approve an EPO you created. The check boxes in the Approve and Reject columns will be disabled. A tool tip will remind you of this when you place your mouse over a disabled check box.