When PO line item changes occur in the back-office system, BuildPro records each instance of change. To make viewing orders with line item changes in BuildPro more efficient, the Net Orders functionality only displays the end result of plus and minus entries (line item changes) for a task item. View net orders for line item changes from the Change Order Management page. View the line item changes through the View Item Changes link in the Items tab of the Job Task page. PO items that can be changed by the back office include:
Order Amount
Unit Price
Total Price
For example, you may order 15 pieces of lumber and then no longer need that many pieces. First, the order displays as (15). When you reduce the order by 7 pieces, it displays as (-7). Instead of wading through the lines of positive and negative numbers, (+15) (-7), Net Orders allows the system to display only the end result, or the Net Order. As in the example above: you actually end up with an order of (8), so that’s all you see.
When you view Net Order items, the page will only display records for the current supplier assigned to the task being viewed. Also, the page will only display the dollar amounts if your BuildPro user role has the Financial role turned on. Otherwise, you will see this ###.## instead of the dollar amounts.