Order Management

Alerted Orders - Completed Back Charges

This page displays the list of completed back charges submitted by the builder. A Completed Back Charge alert is generated in SupplyPro when the back charge status changes to complete. This means that the back charge has been approved by the builder’s back office, and the back charge will be charged to the supplier.


To view and clear a Completed Back Charge alert:

  1. Click on the Orders tab. The Order Management page opens.

  2. In the Alerts box, click on the Completed Back Charges link. The Alerted Orders - Completed Back Charges page opens.

  3. Click on a Back Charge # link to open the Back Charge Detail page.

  4. Go back to the Alerted Orders - Completed Back Charges page.

  5. Click the check box to the right of each pending back charge alert you want to clear.

  6. Click the Clear Selected Alerts box at the bottom of the page. The alert is cleared from the page.

  7. View cleared back charges on the Back Charges report. Search for back charges by status or the unique back charge number.


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