
Company Profile - Crew Filters

The Crew Filters tab on the Company Profile page allows users to add, edit, or disable crews. After crews are added, you can assign orders to crews. You can also perform searches for orders by crew. But, only an active crew can be assigned to an order.


To add a Crew Filter:

  1. In the Add New Crew Filters section, enter the Crew Filter Name in the text field.

  2. Click the Add New Crew Filters button at the bottom of the page.


To edit a Crew Filter:

  1. Click the Edit link next to a Crew Filter name, and edit the text as necessary.

  2. Click the Save link to save your changes. Or, click the Cancel link to close Edit mode without saving your changes.


To disable a Crew Filter:

  1. Click the Disable check box next to the Crew Filter name.

  2. Click the Save button.