Job Management

Job Task - Detail Tab

The Detail tab lets you view and update pertinent details about a task.  The status of the task will impact the fields that can be modified on this page. All required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

If any of the fields mentioned in the steps below do not appear on your screen, that means that your organization is not using that feature of BuildPro. For any questions about this feature, contact your BuildPro administrator.


To modify the detail for a task:

  1. In the Task field, modify the task name if needed.

  2. In the Description field, type a brief description of the task as a supplement to the task name.

  3. If this task is the result of an EPO, click the EPO Reason Code field and choose the correct reason for this EPO.

The EPO Reason Code can be changed prior to completion of the task if the user marked the task Not Ready.

  1. If needed, change the Task Type,  Acct Code, Supplier, Catalog Type, and Budget fields, referring to the field descriptions below as needed.

  2. Complete any of the remaining optional fields as needed, referring to the field descriptions below for more information.

If you are using the AutoSend Order function, the supplier has to be setup to receive orders automatically.

  1. Click the Update Task Detail button to save your changes.


Detail Tab Fields

Task:  Unique name of this task

 Description: Brief description of the task

Task Type:  Specific grouping of tasks.  Possibilities are: Contract, Measurement PO, Memo, Pay Point, Purchase Order, Reminder or Work Order

Acct Code:   Templates have accounting codes, or accounting sets, associated with them. Sometimes they are called cost codes.  Accounting codes must be set up initially by Hyphen Solutions.

Supplier: Name of the supplier providing the goods or services for this task

Catalog Type:  Type of catalog used for this order.  Possible selections are: Company, Supplier, or Universal.

Order Number:  Unique number assigned to this order

Autosend Order:  Click this box if you want the order automatically sent to the supplier on the requested date.

Budget Amount : Dollar amount budgeted for this job

Actual Amount: Actual cost for this task

Milestone Task and Key:  If you are integrating your schedule with another system that uses milestones, you should click this box. Then, in the Milestone Key field, you should type the task number to which this milestone task corresponds. Indication of a major level of completion for the job and the designation used for that level of completion          

EPO Authority Amount:  Shows the dollar amount of approval authority for the organization

Warning:  This determines whether the user gets a warning when going over the limit of an EPO. If checked, the user only gets a warning and the EPO is sent to the vendor without approval.

Locked:  If Locked is selected, it will not allow the EPO to be sent to the vendor without approval.

MPO Authority Amount:  Shows the dollar amount of approval authority for the organization for a Measurement PO.

MPO Authority Percent:  Shows the percentage of approval allowed for an MPO

Supplier Instructions:  Any pertinent information for the supplier should be entered here.


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