Community - Specific community selected.
Job - Specific BuildPro job selected
from within the Community.
Phase -
Specific Phase associated with this defect.
Task - BuildPro task that the defect
is associated with.
Location - Specific rooms within a home
where the defect may be found (e.g., Kitchen, Family Room, Master Bath);
values generated from K.B. or existing value.
Category and Sub-Category - Scope of
work or trade category (e.g., Drywall, Plumbing, Framing) and sub-category
(as necessary); values generated from K.B. or existing value.
Description - Type of defect (e.g.,
Nail Pop, Cracked, Missing); values generated from K.B. or existing value.
Position or Defect # - Exact positioning
of defect within a room (e.g., Front Wall, Floor, Ceiling, 385); values
generated from K.B. or existing value.
Priority - Critical, Structural, or
Responsible Trade - Who caused the defect
and could also be the trade assigned to complete the work (e.g., Jay’s
Plumbing, Bob’s Drywall).
Assigned Trade - If not the responsible
trade, this is the trade that is assigned to repair the defect.
Notes - View notes entered for the defect.
Attachment - If the user attached a
photo to the defect, you can click on the photo link to view the photo.
Summary - Community, Job and Task information
History - Date of changes, User, Status,
Description, notification audit trail.
Regulatory Insp - Is this defect
part of a regulatory inspection?
Inspected Date - Date the defect was
entered into BuildPro.
Due Date - Date the defect fix is due.
Complete Date - Date the defect
fix is complete.
Status - User must be able to select
a defect status.
Not Acceptable